Allergic to Wasp/Bee Stings?
HARLEY Motorcycle ROAD GLIDE Vent Screens – ROAD GLIDE Triple SPLITSCREENS – Allergic to Wasp/Bee Stings?

(LINK NOTES: Two links in the text below are from a web search: “motorcycle riders stung by wasp“)
Allergic to Wasp/Bee Stings? You may not know ……until it happens!
Seriously, many bikers are allergic, including our founder and Prez who, after repeated stings on a road trip, experienced serious allergic trauma! That this happened miles from any help prompted his BSR wife (luckily a nurse) to begin carrying an EpiPen®†. The Open Road Exposes riders to repeated stings which can be hazardous to health and wallets**
! The protection of a fairing helps, but not so much with 3 large fairing vents directing un-screened airflow (containing road debris and large insects) at the riders’ upper torso, neck and head areas! You will appreciate the security our Triple SPLITSCREENS offer; even while wearing a full face helmet!
†EpiPen® treats life-threatening allergic reactions. **If you had ever priced an EpiPen® you’d under$tand
Okay, I should not take this risk lightly! What’s my Best Solution?
PREVENTION, of course! Minimize your exposure to stinging insects by installing a set of Triple SPLITSCREENS! Why take the risk? Perhaps reading this Web MD Medical Treatment article might inspire the easier and far less costly PREVENTION option!
CLICK if you’re curious* to see exactly what’s flying through those unscreened vents!

*HINT: Most of the large insects caught in our Triple SPLITSCREENS are of the “stinging” variety depicted in the above link
A message from the President of Elegant Solutions Inc. dba Motorcycle Vent Screens: My very first “Touring Bike” was a Batwing FLHTK Ultra Limited and I loved riding it. However the Harley-Davidson® Road Glide® became my favorite touring motorcycle the first time I rode one! The “Shark Nose” frame-mounted fairing offers both high speed stability cutting through the air at touring speeds as well as low speed maneuverability with the handlebars “free” of the weight of the fairing. My BSR (back seat rider) wife is extraordinarily comfortable riding with me and considers this bike to be a “limo on 2 wheels”! Elegant Solutions Inc. dba Motorcycle Vent Screens is not affiliated with Harley-Davidson®. Terms such as: Harley-Davidson®, Road Glide® and Harley® are trademarks of the Harley-Davidson® Motor Company. They are only used here for descriptive, informational purposes and displayed either with the ® designation or in CAP’s (an alternate method of displaying the “®” designation). The 3-screen complete solution described herein is termed “Triple SPLITSCREENS”. “SPLITSCREEN(S)” and “Triple SPLITSCREENS” are terms coined by Elegant Solutions Inc.