Elegant Solutions Inc. dba Motorcycle Vent Screens
With your purchase, you’ll be doing business with Elegant Solutions Inc.
dba Motorcycle Vent Screens, Grand Junction, Colorado

Motorcycle Vent Screens is a family-owned business specializing in premium “Made in USA” protective vent screens for 2014 and newer Harley-Davidson® Touring motorcycles and 2022 and newer H-D Cruiser motorcycles with ventilated fairings. They have a strong customer base, including American and Canadian Gliders, and boast a 97% 5-star review rate. Their satisfied customers span the globe, from Australia and New Zealand to South Korea, the United Kingdom, and numerous European and Scandinavian countries.
More Specifically: “Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?” Q&A’s
- WHO? Elegant Solutions Inc. is a licensed Colorado corporation doing business as (dba) Motorcycle Vent Screens (mVS). Click to view Colorado Certificate of Good Standing and dba Trade Name.
- WHAT? We manufacture and direct-ship premium quality vent screens for the ventilated fairings of 2014 and newer “Rushmore Edition” Harley-Davidson® Road Glide® and FLH (Batwing) Touring motorcycles.
- WHERE? U.S.A. Our SPLITSCREENS are manufactured* in Grand Junction, Colorado, “motorcycle country” on the Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains. *Materials are sourced from: Michigan, California & Colorado.
- WHEN? Our first Triple SPLITSCREENS order for the Road Glide® was delivered in June of 2017.
- WHY? To fill a need! We are not aware of another commercial source providing a complete 3-screen solution for the Road Glide®! Choose us after viewing our quality SPECIFICATIONS page as well as our REVIEWS page which show overwhelming customer approval of our SPLITSCREENS! The 77% open screen design allows a pleasing “wind in your face” ride without the undesirable “bugs in your teeth” experience!
- HOW? As our customer base is world-wide, mVS products are sold exclusively online eliminating “brick and mortar” overhead. SPLITSCREENS are shipped in humble “non-display” packaging** to minimize non-essential costs and provide our buyers the best value. **Attractive retail-shelf packaging suitable for store display would inflate retail price as much as $10 with no benefit to the consumer.
…to create these sturdy screens happened after a third road trip where our founder experienced BEE/WASP STINGS. The first two incidents produced tolerable localized swelling, but the third sting produced very scary “chest tightness” symptoms. Turned out Dennis is allergic to being stung by those critters …so he began carrying an EPI-PEN® ……an incredibly EXPENSIVE solution.
When he realized there was only one major supplier of side vent screens (no competition = expensive), and no major supplier of center vent screens, Dennis formed Elegant Solutions Inc. dba Motorcycle Vent Screens to create a complete high-quality solution!
Disclaimer: depending on your windshield height, you will get “nailed by something” while riding a motorcycle! But why “invite trouble” via unprotected vents? Using our Triple SPLITSCREENS solution …it’s highly unlikely you’ll be victimized via the three fairing vents! These Road Glide® Triple SPLITSCREENS will provide you excellent protection at a fraction of the cost of an EPI-PEN®!!!

“To provide an Insect & Road Debris screening solution offering the most complete protection available to the Harley-Davidson® Road Glide® motorcyclist, engineered to perform as advertised, using only premium Made in USA materials and offered at a reasonable price!”
Our Qualifications: We know QUALITY …we know Motorcycle Touring …and we know you’ll be delighted with these protective screens! Our screens are proudly made in the USA with materials manufactured here! We’re located in “motorcycle country” on Colorado’s Western Slope (of the Rocky Mountains) in the midst of some of the most scenic motorcycle roads in the Western US. We have credible experience at motorcycle touring highlighted by our 2012 “Bucket List Road Trip“. This incredible touring adventure began from our (then) home on the island of Kauai and included 10k USA miles and 5k Central Europe miles. It encompassed 10 1/2 weeks, 15,000 road miles, 26,000 total miles ……all road miles were on our own 2011 Road Glide CVO!

Elegant Solutions Inc dba Motorcycle Vent Screens
Our RUSHMORE Vent Screens are Elegant Solutions which Matter
We share our LOVE of the OPEN ROAD with our clientele; fellow Harley-Davidson owners riding touring bikes with FAIRINGS and WINDSHIELDS …folks like us who typically don’t appreciate the “BUGS IN YOUR TEETH” experience humorously presented below:
Anonymous web posting: “I remember an episode of Happy Days where the Fonz was teaching Richie Cunningham how to ride a motorcycle. The Fonz says at the end, to remember not to smile. Richie asks if that is so you look all mean and bad-ass? The Fonz replies: no, it’s so you don’t get bugs in your teeth?!”

A message from the President of Elegant Solutions Inc. dba Motorcycle Vent Screens: The Harley-Davidson® Road Glide® became my favorite touring motorcycle the first time I rode one! The “Shark Nose” frame mounted fairing offers both high speed stability cutting through the air at touring speeds as well as low speed maneuverability with the handlebars “free” of the weight of the fairing. My BSR (back seat rider) wife is extraordinarily comfortable riding with me and considers this bike to be a “limo on 2 wheels”! Elegant Solutions Inc. is not affiliated with Harley-Davidson®. The terms: Harley-Davidson®, Road Glide® and Harley® are trademarks of the Harley-Davidson® Motor Company. The 3-screen complete solution described herein is termed “Triple SPLITSCREENS”. “SPLITSCREEN(S)” and “Triple SPLITSCREENS” are terms coined by Elegant Solutions Inc.